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Deep Heat Effective Pain Relief Heat Rub 67g

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Deep Heat effective pain relief rub generates penetrating warmth in aching, injured and sore muscles to provide fast and effective pain relief. The heat generating properties help relax and soothe sore muscles and help with muscular pains and stiffness including back and rheumatic pain and sciatica.

  • Heat generating properties for fast, effective pain relief
  • Can be used daily
  • More Product Information

    £4.46 per 100g

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    Product Information

    Deep Heat effective pain relief rub generates penetrating warmth in aching, injured and sore muscles to provide fast and effective pain relief. The heat generating properties help relax and soothe sore muscles and help with muscular pains and stiffness including back and rheumatic pain and sciatica.

  • Heat generating properties for fast, effective pain relief
  • Can be used daily
  • Warnings or Restrictions

    Keep away from sight and reach of children

    Product Specification

    Size (67) Unit (G)

    Product code: 189761

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