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For Friday delivery Order within* 6h 43min
Product Information
Oven Baked Sour Cream and Chive Flavour Wheat and Potato Pretzels.
Warnings or Restrictions
If you are adolescent, pregnant, breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or want to lose more than 20% of your weight - then talk about your weight loss plans with your doctor. SlimFast meals are not designed to be your only food - eat balanced meals, healthy snacks and drink plenty of water. Can only help weight loss as part of a calorie-controlled varied diet and an active lifestyle.
Slim Fast 3 2 1® Plan. *With tasty variety, balanced nutrition and proven results, Slim Fast 3 2 1® Plan is the simple daily plan to help you get results and lose weight now *Pick 3 snacks a day A Fruit, Veggies or a Slim Fast SnackChoose 2 Slim Fast meals: shakes or bars.Have 1 sensible 600kcal meal (or 800kcal for men)Drink around 2 litres of water and get some exercise*Substituting two daily meals of an energy restricted diet with meal replacements contributes to weight loss.
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