Discover the benefits of exercise on mental health
Discover how moving your body can help the mind!
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Posted: 30/06/22
At times, daily life and responsibilities can feel overwhelming and negatively affect your your mental wellbeing. One of the ways you can work to improve your mental health is by moving your body and building an exercise routine that suits your interests and lifestyle. So, whether it’s a brisk walk or a high intensity spin class that takes your fancy, here’s why moving can help to better the mind:
1. Improved mood
You may have heard about endorphins and their link to exercise, but what actually are they, and why are they such a hot topic?
Well, when you start to move the body through exercise, your body releases feel good hormones called endorphins, which create a positive feeling in the body. This is why you might feel a natural ‘high’ after finishing a stint of exercise! What better excuse to dust off your trainers and get moving?
The benefits of exercise on mental health do not stop there! As well as releasing mood-boosting hormones, welcoming any form of movement into your day is a great way to clear and reset your mind. Focusing your thoughts on the form of exercise you’re doing will help to take your mind off the stress and worries of the day, helping you to have a calmer mindset before the day is done.
2. Improved sleep
Having trouble winding down at night and not getting an adequate amount of sleep can be a huge factor in mental health struggles. For many, struggling to fall asleep and feeling sleep deprived the next day is all too familiar and can worsen our mental wellbeing.
However, regularly exercising and tiring out your muscles can help you to feel more relaxed and sleepy once bedtime arrives, potentially helping you to drift off quicker and wake up feeling refreshed.
3. Improved self esteem
Finding a way of moving your body that suits you and your lifestyle can be hugely rewarding, especially once it begins to become a habit! The process of setting and achieving personal fitness goals (this could be anything from building muscle in a certain area to running 5k within a certain time) overcoming challenges, and seeing improvements in your health, can help to build confidence in your own abilities.
4. Improved social relationships
Whether it’s a living room workout with your partner, a local yoga class or joining a running group, there are many ways to exercise in a social setting, allowing you to interact with likeminded people and grow your friendship circle. Plus, a bit of friendly competition can also spur you on and boost your motivation!
5. Reduced stress levels
As well as kickstarting the release of feel-good hormones, getting your body moving can also reduce your levels of adrenaline and cortisol, which are the body’s stress hormones. This means that all of those uncomfortable symptoms of stress (think: tight chest, pounding heart rate, tense muscles) will start to reduce, giving way to a calmer, more relaxed mental and physical state. So, whilst it might be tempting to making a beeline for the sofa after a stressful day, doing a bit of exercise might just be the perfect way to unwind!
Discover the benefits of exercise on mental health
At times, daily life and responsibilities can feel overwhelming and negatively affect your your mental wellbeing. One of the ways you can work to improve your mental health is by moving your body and building an exercise routine that suits your interests and lifestyle. So, whether it’s a brisk walk or a high intensity spin class that takes your fancy, here’s why moving can help to better the mind:
1. Improved mood
You may have heard about endorphins and their link to exercise, but what actually are they, and why are they such a hot topic?
Well, when you start to move the body through exercise, your body releases feel good hormones called endorphins, which create a positive feeling in the body. This is why you might feel a natural ‘high’ after finishing a stint of exercise! What better excuse to dust off your trainers and get moving?
The benefits of exercise on mental health do not stop there! As well as releasing mood-boosting hormones, welcoming any form of movement into your day is a great way to clear and reset your mind. Focusing your thoughts on the form of exercise you’re doing will help to take your mind off the stress and worries of the day, helping you to have a calmer mindset before the day is done.
2. Improved sleep
Having trouble winding down at night and not getting an adequate amount of sleep can be a huge factor in mental health struggles. For many, struggling to fall asleep and feeling sleep deprived the next day is all too familiar and can worsen our mental wellbeing.
However, regularly exercising and tiring out your muscles can help you to feel more relaxed and sleepy once bedtime arrives, potentially helping you to drift off quicker and wake up feeling refreshed.
3. Improved self esteem
Finding a way of moving your body that suits you and your lifestyle can be hugely rewarding, especially once it begins to become a habit! The process of setting and achieving personal fitness goals (this could be anything from building muscle in a certain area to running 5k within a certain time) overcoming challenges, and seeing improvements in your health, can help to build confidence in your own abilities.
4. Improved social relationships
Whether it’s a living room workout with your partner, a local yoga class or joining a running group, there are many ways to exercise in a social setting, allowing you to interact with likeminded people and grow your friendship circle. Plus, a bit of friendly competition can also spur you on and boost your motivation!
5. Reduced stress levels
As well as kickstarting the release of feel-good hormones, getting your body moving can also reduce your levels of adrenaline and cortisol, which are the body’s stress hormones. This means that all of those uncomfortable symptoms of stress (think: tight chest, pounding heart rate, tense muscles) will start to reduce, giving way to a calmer, more relaxed mental and physical state. So, whilst it might be tempting to making a beeline for the sofa after a stressful day, doing a bit of exercise might just be the perfect way to unwind!
Boost your wellbeing with exercise!
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