Save yourself the panic run to the shops with a well-stocked first aid kit to hand.
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Posted: 08/04/22
Safety first! Keeping a first aid box at home means you can play doctor in seconds when illness or accidents strike. From bee stings to paper cuts, responding fast and with the right tools can make all the difference and offer instant relief when you need it most.
Top tip: Have a quick clear-out
Before you start putting together an extensive shopping list, run through everything you already have hiding in your cupboards. You’ll probably discover a random assortment of creams, medicines and plasters from your last illness or accident-induced pharmacy trip.
With everything in front of you, check every label and throw out anything that has expired or spoiled. Also, check what’s actually inside each box – because when you’re frantically looking for relief there’s nothing worse than realising there’s only one single tablet/plaster/bandage left!
Your first aid kit essentials
For cuts and grazes
Had a stumble or scrape? Once the bleeding has stopped, removing debris with tweezers and/or applying an antiseptic cream can help prevent infection. While plasters, bandages, dressings and gauzes help keep the wound covered and protected.
Health and wellbeing
WBM Health Tub/Bandage E 8.5CMx1M
Health and wellbeing
WBM Health Washproof Plasters 50Pk
Showing > ofresults
For bites and stings
Ouch! Itchiness, swelling and pain may be around the corner. Sadly there’s no instant fix you can whip out of your kit, but a soothing gel/cream and antihistamine medication can go a long way to offer relief.
Health and wellbeing
Anthisan Cream Relief from Insect Bites and Stings 20g
For minor burns
First-degree burns (or superficial burns) can be easily treated at home and don’t often require further medical examination. This type of burn doesn’t typically break the skin but can cause redness or swelling – like if you’ve accidentally touched your hair straighteners or the stove.
Soothe the pain and prevent infection by applying antiseptic cream. Hydration is key for burnt skin, including sunburnt skin, so keeping an aloe vera-enriched cream in your kit can also come in handy.
Health and wellbeing
Savlon Antiseptic Cream 60g
For pain relief
Providing relief for a host of ailments from headaches to back pain, pain killers (paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen) are the multi-tasking heroes of your kit.
Always check the label for age and medicinal restrictions.
Health and wellbeing
Anadin Extra 12s
For the little ones
Nothing sparks action like the sound of your kids crying. If the accident was just a small ouchie, then having a few tricks in your kit might help to calm those tears – like their favourite character on a plaster to mark their bravery! Also, for those days and nights when they feel hot to the touch, a digital thermometer will help you keep track and spot if a fever is on the horizon.
Top tip: Always keep your first aid kit out of reach of young children (but a memorable and easy-to-reach spot for you).
Health and wellbeing
Elastoplast Paw Patrol Plaster 20s
Health and wellbeing
Digital Thermometer
Showing > ofresults
For seasonal illnesses & injuries
If you suffer from allergies or skin conditions that have a habit of flaring up without a moment’s notice, always keep medication in your kit. From hay fever remedies to soothing creams for heat rash, you’ll be able to act fast at the first sign of symptoms.
First aid kit essentials for the home
Safety first! Keeping a first aid box at home means you can play doctor in seconds when illness or accidents strike. From bee stings to paper cuts, responding fast and with the right tools can make all the difference and offer instant relief when you need it most.
Top tip: Have a quick clear-out
Before you start putting together an extensive shopping list, run through everything you already have hiding in your cupboards. You’ll probably discover a random assortment of creams, medicines and plasters from your last illness or accident-induced pharmacy trip.
With everything in front of you, check every label and throw out anything that has expired or spoiled. Also, check what’s actually inside each box – because when you’re frantically looking for relief there’s nothing worse than realising there’s only one single tablet/plaster/bandage left!
Your first aid kit essentials
For cuts and grazes
Had a stumble or scrape? Once the bleeding has stopped, removing debris with tweezers and/or applying an antiseptic cream can help prevent infection. While plasters, bandages, dressings and gauzes help keep the wound covered and protected.
For bites and stings
Ouch! Itchiness, swelling and pain may be around the corner. Sadly there’s no instant fix you can whip out of your kit, but a soothing gel/cream and antihistamine medication can go a long way to offer relief.
For minor burns
First-degree burns (or superficial burns) can be easily treated at home and don’t often require further medical examination. This type of burn doesn’t typically break the skin but can cause redness or swelling – like if you’ve accidentally touched your hair straighteners or the stove.
Soothe the pain and prevent infection by applying antiseptic cream. Hydration is key for burnt skin, including sunburnt skin, so keeping an aloe vera-enriched cream in your kit can also come in handy.
For pain relief
Providing relief for a host of ailments from headaches to back pain, pain killers (paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen) are the multi-tasking heroes of your kit.
Always check the label for age and medicinal restrictions.
For the little ones
Nothing sparks action like the sound of your kids crying. If the accident was just a small ouchie, then having a few tricks in your kit might help to calm those tears – like their favourite character on a plaster to mark their bravery! Also, for those days and nights when they feel hot to the touch, a digital thermometer will help you keep track and spot if a fever is on the horizon.
Top tip: Always keep your first aid kit out of reach of young children (but a memorable and easy-to-reach spot for you).
For seasonal illnesses & injuries
If you suffer from allergies or skin conditions that have a habit of flaring up without a moment’s notice, always keep medication in your kit. From hay fever remedies to soothing creams for heat rash, you’ll be able to act fast at the first sign of symptoms.
Stock up on all your first aid kit essentials!
Shop online and in store today.
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