Discover how to make cleaning fun – spunj is the brand you need in your cleaning cupboard.
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Posted: 19/08/21
Introducing spunj, the ultra fun cleaning brand! Spunj have made it their mission to inject some fun into cleaning and to make it as simple and hassle free as possible! All their products are ultra versatile, yet affordable so that everyone can add a bit of fun to their cleaning routine. Recently, spunj have launched a new range of colours into Savers that includes grey, blue and matching yellow cloth and pad that you can only get exclusively from Savers.
Damp Dust Everywhere
We recommend the spunj pad for damp dusting as it’s easy to hold and can be used across different surfaces such as skirting boards and shelves. The best thing about using a spunj to dust is that unlike regular dusting, you won’t be recirculating the dust back into the air as spunj acts like a magnet, trapping the dust on its surface. To get started, dampen your spunj pad and squeeze out any excess water. Next, find a surface that needs a good dust. Gently glide the spunj pad across the surface and watch the magic as the spunj effortlessly removes the dust.
TOP TIP! Once your spunj pad is full of dust, or before you move onto the next surface, simply rinse the spunj pad under water and watch the dust fall straight off. Ta-daa!
Soaking Liquid
All spunj products are ultra absorbent and can hold 7 times their weight in water and thanks to that fondness for liquids, a spunj makes soaking up spills and liquids easy. Having children can regularly result in a lot of spilt juice and water, often leaving you running for the kitchen roll to mop it up! Thanks to spunj you no longer have to stress, as their ultra thirsty products are on hand to help you out time and time again. To soak spills, simply press your spunj pad down on the surface and let the spunj work it’s magic as it soaks up the mess from tables and even carpets!
TOP TIP! Just like when removing a stain you may have to dab the spunj on the surface multiple times to remove all the spill.
Prevent Mould
Did you know that one of the main causes of mould is due to a build-up of water and moisture? Wiping down the sides of your bath afterwards will help keep the silicone damp free and prevent it from discolouring and turning black.
Hard surfaces are another area where moisture often gathers in the form of condensation, which is caused when humidity in the air comes into contact with a cold surface. It’s best to wipe down condensation to prevent water damage and mould growth and this is where the spunj cloth comes in to play! Whether it’s a kitchen window after cooking, or a glass screen after a nice relaxing shower, it’s nothing a spunj cloth can’t handle! To remove condensation, wipe in slow sweeping motions from top to bottom and watch as the spunj soaks up the moisture, eliminating water marks and helping you to keep that gleaming shine.
TOP TIP! If your spunj fills up with water simply squeeze it out and repeat until all the water and condensation is removed.
General Household Cleaning
You can use spunj pads and cloths to clean all around the home from high gloss cupboards and bathroom sinks, to ceramic hobs and mirrors. Here’s a few of our favourite places to use spunj to get streak free results:
High gloss cupboards: They are ultra-modern but can be a pain to keep clean and smear free. Using your spunj cloth to wipe them over just once a day will remove any finger marks and splashes, keeping them glistening like new.
Chrome taps: They look their best when they shine bright. Thankfully, the spunj cloth is versatile and flexible allowing it to be easily wrapped around taps to buff and shine them after they’ve been cleaned.
The kitchen: As the heart of the home it’s important to keep it clean as food preparation happens daily. We all know ceramic hobs can be difficult to keep looking like new again after a couple of uses. However, once you’ve cleaned your hob, wiping over slowly with a spunj will guarantee a streak free shine on the ceramic.
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Shop Household at Savers
Spunj Ultra Absorbent Cloth Blue
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Spunj Ultra Absorbent Sponge Blue
Shop Household at Savers
Spunj Ultra Absorbent Cloth Yellow
Shop Household at Savers
Spunj Ultra Absorbent Pink Sponge
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To see how other people are using spunj products and to watch the spunj pads and cloths in action, head over to their Instagram @spunj_clean, their Facebook @spunjclean or, where you will also find more hints and tips. So, what are you waiting for… spunj up your home and add the fun into your cleaning!
Spunj – The ultra fun cleaning brand
Introducing spunj, the ultra fun cleaning brand! Spunj have made it their mission to inject some fun into cleaning and to make it as simple and hassle free as possible! All their products are ultra versatile, yet affordable so that everyone can add a bit of fun to their cleaning routine. Recently, spunj have launched a new range of colours into Savers that includes grey, blue and matching yellow cloth and pad that you can only get exclusively from Savers.
Damp Dust Everywhere
We recommend the spunj pad for damp dusting as it’s easy to hold and can be used across different surfaces such as skirting boards and shelves. The best thing about using a spunj to dust is that unlike regular dusting, you won’t be recirculating the dust back into the air as spunj acts like a magnet, trapping the dust on its surface. To get started, dampen your spunj pad and squeeze out any excess water. Next, find a surface that needs a good dust. Gently glide the spunj pad across the surface and watch the magic as the spunj effortlessly removes the dust.
TOP TIP! Once your spunj pad is full of dust, or before you move onto the next surface, simply rinse the spunj pad under water and watch the dust fall straight off. Ta-daa!
Soaking Liquid
All spunj products are ultra absorbent and can hold 7 times their weight in water and thanks to that fondness for liquids, a spunj makes soaking up spills and liquids easy. Having children can regularly result in a lot of spilt juice and water, often leaving you running for the kitchen roll to mop it up! Thanks to spunj you no longer have to stress, as their ultra thirsty products are on hand to help you out time and time again. To soak spills, simply press your spunj pad down on the surface and let the spunj work it’s magic as it soaks up the mess from tables and even carpets!
TOP TIP! Just like when removing a stain you may have to dab the spunj on the surface multiple times to remove all the spill.
Prevent Mould
Did you know that one of the main causes of mould is due to a build-up of water and moisture? Wiping down the sides of your bath afterwards will help keep the silicone damp free and prevent it from discolouring and turning black.
Hard surfaces are another area where moisture often gathers in the form of condensation, which is caused when humidity in the air comes into contact with a cold surface. It’s best to wipe down condensation to prevent water damage and mould growth and this is where the spunj cloth comes in to play! Whether it’s a kitchen window after cooking, or a glass screen after a nice relaxing shower, it’s nothing a spunj cloth can’t handle! To remove condensation, wipe in slow sweeping motions from top to bottom and watch as the spunj soaks up the moisture, eliminating water marks and helping you to keep that gleaming shine.
TOP TIP! If your spunj fills up with water simply squeeze it out and repeat until all the water and condensation is removed.
General Household Cleaning
You can use spunj pads and cloths to clean all around the home from high gloss cupboards and bathroom sinks, to ceramic hobs and mirrors. Here’s a few of our favourite places to use spunj to get streak free results:
Shop spunj
To see how other people are using spunj products and to watch the spunj pads and cloths in action, head over to their Instagram @spunj_clean, their Facebook @spunjclean or, where you will also find more hints and tips. So, what are you waiting for… spunj up your home and add the fun into your cleaning!
Make cleaning fun!
Shop spunj at Savers
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