So you’ve got the grades and you’re off to uni! Don’t think you are quite ready to adult? Here at Savers, we have got you covered! Use our Uni check list to make sure you have everything you need to start or head back to uni.
First things first, FOOD!
Being a student comes hand -in -hand with being on a budget so we have two words for you… Pot Noodle! It will be an absolute life saver and is not going to break the bank when you buy it at Savers. We suggest you stock up on our 2 different flavours so you can spice it up with a bit of variety.
Shop Food & Drink at Savers
Pot Noodle King Chicken & Mushroom 114g
Shop Food & Drink at Savers
Pot Noodle King Original Curry 114g
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Be Tidy
Don’t be the person in the dorm that doesn’t clean up after themselves, you want to make friends! Using our Dettol anti bac spray, cleaning up will never be easier. Your flat mates will thank you. You can keep your surfaces clean and make sure freshers’ flu is killed off!
For a quick fix you can always use surface wipes for spills or a quick run around before your mates come over for a study session, that will some how end up in a game of ‘ring of fire’.
Shop Household at Savers
Dettol Anti Bac Surface Cleaner 440ml
Shop Household at Savers
Eveready Antibac Multi Surface Wipes 80s
Shop Household at Savers
Dettol Fruity Fiesta Bundle
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Scrub up!
Once in uni, you are in charge of your own destiny, and less excitingly your laundry! Nail it every time with our Daz Pods. Although we can’t guarantee that the accidental red sock won’t turn your white’s wash pink, we can make it easier for you! Just pop one of these pods in the drum add your favourite smelling fabric conditioner for gorgeously clean laundry!
Shop Household at Savers
Daz Pods 12 Pack
Shop Household at Savers
Clean 'N Fresh Fabric Conditioner Crisp Cotton 1L 33w
Shop Household at Savers
Fabulosa Laundry Cleanser Fresh Breeze 1 Litre
Shop Household at Savers
Clean 'N Fresh Fabric Conditioner Summer Haze 1L 33w
Shop Household at Savers
Lenor Crease Releaser Spring Awake 500ml
Dr Magic Snatch A Dye 20S
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Healthcare must-haves
Up to now, if you had an ache or pain, you could rely on your mums overflowing stash of medical products to fall back on. However, now you must create your own emergency supply. Hopefully, with our healthcare essentials, you’ll never be stranded without something to get you through the freshers flu.
Health and wellbeing
Max Paracetamol Caplets 16s
Health and wellbeing
Vicks Vapour Rub 100g
Health and wellbeing
Galpharm Ibuprofen Tabs 16'S
Health and wellbeing
Olbas Oil 30ML
Health and wellbeing
Imodium Instants 6s
Showing > ofresults
Check out our blog on the ultimate fake tanning tips and tricks so you can get that glow before setting off for your party. Get the down low on our Vegan beauty products in our new blog Love self-care and the planet so you can look fabulous while also doing your bit for the environment. Did we also mention they will include some bargains?! Obviously!
University Check List
So you’ve got the grades and you’re off to uni! Don’t think you are quite ready to adult? Here at Savers, we have got you covered! Use our Uni check list to make sure you have everything you need to start or head back to uni.
First things first, FOOD!
Being a student comes hand -in -hand with being on a budget so we have two words for you… Pot Noodle! It will be an absolute life saver and is not going to break the bank when you buy it at Savers. We suggest you stock up on our 2 different flavours so you can spice it up with a bit of variety.
Be Tidy
Don’t be the person in the dorm that doesn’t clean up after themselves, you want to make friends! Using our Dettol anti bac spray, cleaning up will never be easier. Your flat mates will thank you. You can keep your surfaces clean and make sure freshers’ flu is killed off!
For a quick fix you can always use surface wipes for spills or a quick run around before your mates come over for a study session, that will some how end up in a game of ‘ring of fire’.
Scrub up!
Once in uni, you are in charge of your own destiny, and less excitingly your laundry! Nail it every time with our Daz Pods. Although we can’t guarantee that the accidental red sock won’t turn your white’s wash pink, we can make it easier for you! Just pop one of these pods in the drum add your favourite smelling fabric conditioner for gorgeously clean laundry!
Healthcare must-haves
Up to now, if you had an ache or pain, you could rely on your mums overflowing stash of medical products to fall back on. However, now you must create your own emergency supply. Hopefully, with our healthcare essentials, you’ll never be stranded without something to get you through the freshers flu.
Check out our blog on the ultimate fake tanning tips and tricks so you can get that glow before setting off for your party. Get the down low on our Vegan beauty products in our new blog Love self-care and the planet so you can look fabulous while also doing your bit for the environment. Did we also mention they will include some bargains?! Obviously!
Shop for uni now!
Find our uni essentials here!
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